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16906 107th Avenue Southwest
Vashon, WA, 98070
United States


Nashi Orchards grows the finest Asian and European Pears and Heirloom Apples to produce award winning perry and hard cider. 


Currently we are only shipping non-alcoholic options from our on-line store.

If you are interested in alcoholic cider and perry, please visit our fulfillment partner Press Then Press for alcoholic options available to most states.

We ship in 3 or 6 bottle shippers. Orders of more than six bottles will arrive in separate packages.

Thank you for stopping by our online shop. Cheers!

April 6 - Hanami Bento Box Lunch in the Orchard

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April 6 - Hanami Bento Box Lunch in the Orchard


Enjoy a picnic in the blooming pear orchard with a glass of cider and a delicious bento box lunch prepared by Chef Lia Bardeen.

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Event is located at the Nashi Orchards Cidery at 25407 Wax Orchard Road, Vashon