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16906 107th Avenue Southwest
Vashon, WA, 98070
United States


Nashi Orchards grows the finest Asian and European Pears and Heirloom Apples to produce award winning perry and hard cider. 

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Nashi Enthusiasts

FALL 2024 Release

 Flora Perry

A blend of apples, pears and quince from the original Wax Orchard site. A pear base but a bit heavier on apples and less quince.  From the 2023 harvest this perry expresses the floral quince aromatics and a slight astringency. The malolactic character provides texture and long finish but it has plenty of acidity and fruit to keep it fresh and quaffable. Only 13 cases produced. 6.7% ABV

Ashmead’s Kernal Cider

How can we make things harder? Take a classic high acid apple variety like Ashmead’s, pick it early, ferment cold and slow, and finish in the traditional method (sans cork). From the 2022 harvest, the cider was racked into stainless for 6 months and bottled for a secondary fermentation in 2023. Finished in late 2024 with a messy, cold session of de-gorging and dosage.  The time spent on the lees in bottle soften the acidity slightly but it expresses lots of minerality with a fine bubble that makes all the difference. Only 20 cases produced. 7.7% ABV

Black Swan Cider

Spiritous, rich and strong this cider is made from Hewes Virginia Crabapple from the 2023 harvest, and bottled directly from a half size Nightside bourbon barrel after 6 months.  The oak and vanilla from the barrels is a nice compliment to the fruitiness and light tannins of the cider. Bottled still, it is a perfect bottle to share around the fire with family and friends. Only 12 cases bottled. 8.3% ABV

be a nashi enthusiast member

The Nashi Enthusiast club offers exclusive allocations of cider and perry twice per year as well as great discounts and events. You can submit your information to join, using this page, or e-mail us at for more information.

Taste makers: $162 / release (+shipping) includes:

  • Six 750ml bottles of reserve and small batch perry and cider - Spring & Fall.

  • Exclusive invitations to member-only events, dinners & release parties.

  • 20% Discount on tasting room products.

  • Complimentary tastings at the tasting room for you and two guests.

  • Set of two Nashi Reidel "O" tasting glasses.

  • Complimentary ticket to annual cider making class and harvest celebration.

reservist: $81 / release (+shipping) includes:

  • Three 750ml bottles of reserve and small batch perry and cider - Spring & Fall.

  • Exclusive invitations to member-only events, dinners & release parties.

  • 10% Discount on tasting room products.

  • Complimentary tastings for you and a guest.

  • Invitation to annual perry and cider making class and harvest celebration.

Join Us!